Point Taken

Words of Encouragement Just When I Needed Them

This morning I woke up exhausted and with a migraine. I’m sure the trigger is working twelve-hour days for a month now. I know I can sprint for a short while but I’m better off with a steady march.

Feeling weary and a bit teary-eyed — and blurry-eyed — I opened my email to find this memo. God ministers to the weary, “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me;  for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Point taken.

Maybe I’ll take a nap today.

A Memo from Jesus

My Beloved,

“I know you’re tired—
weary of the steps from here to there day after day, 
weary of the struggles and losses,
and wary of the news. We’re all weary.
So take a moment.

Breathe in slowly. Hold it for a moment. Breathe out. 
Remember when I rose from the dead and breathed into you?
It’s still there. 
Remember what I said to you:

           I am in God, and you in me, and I in you.
           The one who trusts in me 
           will also do the works that I do and, in fact, 
           will do greater works than these.

(John 14.20, 12)

Feel your heart beating. It’s my love,
flowing in you like a great river.
Remember what I said you you:

           The water that I will give 
           will become in you a spring of water 
           gushing up to eternal life.

(John 4.14)

Beloved, I know sometimes you are tired of gushing.
So rest a moment. I wish for you Sabbath time,
time of rest, time to be Beloved, being without doing.
I am grateful for your presence, at work or at rest. 
So rest. The river will still flow. 
Remember what I said to you, and be at peace:

           Come to me, all you that are weary 
           and are carrying heavy burdens, 
           and I will give you rest. 
           Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; 
           for I am gentle and humble in heart, 
           and you will find rest for your souls. 
           For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

                           (Matthew 11.28-30)


Steve Garnaas-Holmes  
Unfolding Light  
© 17 February 2022

About Steve Garnaas-Holmes

“Unfolding Light” is a daily reflection by Steve Garnaas-Holmes. Garnaas-Holmes is rooted in a creation-centered, justice-oriented contemplative life. On his website — Unfolding Light, you can find an archive of recent reflections and other downloadable resources. You can subscribe to receive a daily dose of encouragement.

If you are feeling weary today, then perhaps this memo is for you as well.

Debora Ragland Buerk
The Write Stuff
Looking at life from a different POV.